Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between the first aid course and CPR?

The first aid course (HLTAID011) is an advanced course that includes Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR - HLTAID009).

In other words, by completing a first aid course, you will also be trained to provide CPR.

Do you need to renew CPR?

Yes. A CPR refresher must be completed every year.

Do you need to renew first aid?

Yes, the first aid course must be refreshed every 3 years.

As the first aid course includes CPR, you must complete a CPR refresher every year for your first aid course to remain valid for the full 3 years.

How long does the first aid courses take?

Course duration varies by provider. In general, the first aid course takes between 6 to 8 hours, either fully face to face, or with an online component and a face to face component.

How long does the CPR refresher take?

The duration varies by provider. Most providers will require you to attend a classroom between 2 to 4 hours.

Can I complete the first aid course fully online?

No, the first aid course includes demonstration components that have to be completed in a classroom (face to face). Some providers allow the theoretical component to be completed online, but there will always be a face to face based component for which you have to attend an onsite classroom.

Can I complete the CPR refresher online?

No, the CPR course must be completed face to face in order to demonstrate the correct CPR procedure on special training dummies provided by the training organisation.

What should a first aid kit contain?

The content of first aid kits depends on the location and primary use case. See: What should an Australian first aid kit have?

Who needs to complete first aid training?

Anyone can benefit from completing first aid training. The skills learned can help in everyday situations: Allergic reactions, vehicle accidents, sports injuries, heart attacks, the list goes on.

Most commonly in Australia, employers will require their workforce to complete the training. Workplaces are required to have trained first aiders onsite, be it an office, a retail shop (woolies, kmart, bunnings etc), construction site or mine.

Can overseas students on an international student visa complete first aid training?

Until recently, only CRICOS approved training organisations could train international students. Some courses, including HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid, are now exempt. You can view full list of exempt courses here.

As such, completing your First Aid training on an international Visa is as simple as finding a training provider and signing up to complete the course! All you need to bring is Photo Identification such as your Passport.